In South Africa, we are celebrating 16 days of activism against violence on women and children. Each time this campaign is launched, it kept me thinking;
How many women truly suffer violence of any type from their male partners, friends and relatives?
How many men deliberately inflict pains on their female partners and relatives?
In cultures like many across Africa, it is the man's place to treat his woman like a subordinate. The women therefore refuse to acknowledge that certain practices; for instance giving your male partner every cent you earn is a form of abuse.
I thought of highlighting it here that violence is not only physical. It could be both psychological and emotional. Cheating on a partner inflicts emotional pains while asking a women to always stoop to serve you is a form of torture. Do you imagine how emotionally drained a faithful wife can be to fine out that her man does not give her the respect of chastity? Imagine yourself being treated on a daily bases as a second-class citizen? How do you feel? She feels that pain too.
I am in no way insinuating that the man and the woman are equal. Neither am I supporting the fact that a child is the man's property. Yes God made us all with different materials. I diverse atmosphere that accommodate others would suit a man, a woman and a child. I free world can only be made possible by you and I. I please to all my readers to stand up against violence on Women, children and even men.
Thank you for reading.
Involved parents + involved caregivers +involved guardians + involved communities + involved policy-makers + involved employers + involved governments = Satisfied future Family Focus Services - #ParentingSupport - #FamilyRelationships - #FamilyIdentity - #ParentingAndSex - #FamilyFinanceCoaching
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
When I Grew-up
When I grew up, I wanted to be a Television Journalist. I wanted to have a degree, get married to a wealthy man live in a house as big as those now visible in Nigerian movies and have 4 children; 3 boys and 1 girl. I wanted to drive a very big car and bring my mother over to stay with me and relax from the terrible life she has had, cook for my husband and I while we go to work, and hire a driver to drive her around.
Today (2010) I have grown soooooo much. I went to school and studied to be a Journalist and got a degree. I found a man who loves me and we got married 5 years after my degree. Today I mother 3 children a boy and two girls. I am a happy woman, wife, sister, who owns and runs her own business. I live in a big house and drive an affordable car. My mother died just after I got married but after seing my first child.
Even though my mum is not there to share my dream, I hope she is able to watch me with a smile. Today I am more Blessed than I wished to be when I grew up. With the network and chain of network I call my family, realising that life is not about moneym I am over 10 folds more Blessed than I thought of being. Because as a woman, I have now known what makes you happy.
Happiness is not about what you have but about who you have. Happiness is not about what you will have but about who will be there for you.
So Is My Life Close to A Dream Fulfilled?
Why do we need to depend on others to be happy?
Today (2010) I have grown soooooo much. I went to school and studied to be a Journalist and got a degree. I found a man who loves me and we got married 5 years after my degree. Today I mother 3 children a boy and two girls. I am a happy woman, wife, sister, who owns and runs her own business. I live in a big house and drive an affordable car. My mother died just after I got married but after seing my first child.
Even though my mum is not there to share my dream, I hope she is able to watch me with a smile. Today I am more Blessed than I wished to be when I grew up. With the network and chain of network I call my family, realising that life is not about moneym I am over 10 folds more Blessed than I thought of being. Because as a woman, I have now known what makes you happy.
Happiness is not about what you have but about who you have. Happiness is not about what you will have but about who will be there for you.
So Is My Life Close to A Dream Fulfilled?
Why do we need to depend on others to be happy?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Dead donor rips heart out of community
It is better to share this story by By Maryna van Wyk with you all.
Sandra Kajuba from Platfontein is the mother of the 17-year-old Evelina who died after she was assaulted by a family member. Picture: Maryna van Wyk
A young San woman, whose heart was transplanted into a 12-year-old Free State boy after she was bludgeoned to death, cannot be buried because her impoverished family can’t afford a coffin.
While Avelina Kajuba’s battered body lies in the Kimberley mortuary, doctors involved in Christiaan Stassen’s heart transplant believe he will recover fully and be able lead a normal life.
Kajuba was declared brain dead on Tuesday morning after being found several hours earlier next to the Platfontein clinic, allegedly beaten to death by her common-law husband, Gerschon Stefanus.
Christiaan received her heart on Wednesday afternoon in a race against time during two concurrent procedures, one in Cape Town and the other in Kimberley to harvest the unharmed organs.
Christiaan, after waking up from hours of anaesthesia in the intensive care unit of the Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital in Cape Town, thanked God for his new heart.
His father, Chris, a Bloemfontein state attorney, said Christiaan was in good spirits and would remain in Cape Town for three months with his mother, Liezel.
But in stark contrast, the community of Platfontein, a semi-arid area just outside Kimberley, live a forgotten existence, in a life mired in poverty, crime and alcohol abuse.
Late on Wednesday, when Christiaan’s heart transplant was almost complete, Sandra Kajuba, mother of Avelina, drank away her sorrows.
Violence had just savaged her family for a second time. Avelina, her eldest daughter was raped and murdered several years ago.
Speaking through an interpreter, Kajuba said she was devastated, but glad her daughter could give life to another person. However, after long hours of discussion yesterday around the fire in the close-knit family structures of the community, the reality of organ donation sunk in.
“I now have to bury my child without a heart. How can somebody live with my daughter’s heart and she is dead?” Kajuba asked.
Members of the Kajuba family said it was the first time organ donation had ever been mentioned within the Platfontein community.
Now, it’s something they cannot fully comprehend.
Avelina’s father, Kajuba Mukugo, joined the family near the fire, but minutes later walked away in anger after overhearing the discussion about his daughter.
He divorced Sandra many years ago, but they still live two houses from each other.
“He is very upset about the transplant and grieved about Avelina’s heart,” family members said.
With the help of two female interpreters, an angry Sandra said her daughter’s heart donation had not been fully explained to her. “They did not ask us to take out her heart and give it away. I did not even have the time to give my thumb print. My daughter’s husband should now be released from jail to dig her grave. We will not dig the grave. After he has done this job, the police can take him back to jail,” she said.
The Kajuba’s said they wanted to meet Christiaan’s family. “The families should talk. It is only fair that we should be compensated for our loss.”
A few kilometres away from Sandra’s house, the house of Stefanus was deserted. He had appeared in the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court on Thursday on charges of murder.
His relative said she did not know what happened on Monday night when Avelina was severely beaten, allegedly by Stefanus, in Sandra’s home.
Sandra, she said, had tried desperately to stop her daughter’s attacker, who was believed to be under the influence of alcohol. Neighbours did not intervene.
Several community members said Stefanus abused his young wife regularly. Her kidney has been donated to recipient from Kimberley and her liver to a child with irreversible liver failure. The other kidney and her corneas will be used at a later stage.
taken from IOL Daily Newsletter []
Sandra Kajuba from Platfontein is the mother of the 17-year-old Evelina who died after she was assaulted by a family member. Picture: Maryna van Wyk
A young San woman, whose heart was transplanted into a 12-year-old Free State boy after she was bludgeoned to death, cannot be buried because her impoverished family can’t afford a coffin.
While Avelina Kajuba’s battered body lies in the Kimberley mortuary, doctors involved in Christiaan Stassen’s heart transplant believe he will recover fully and be able lead a normal life.
Kajuba was declared brain dead on Tuesday morning after being found several hours earlier next to the Platfontein clinic, allegedly beaten to death by her common-law husband, Gerschon Stefanus.
Christiaan received her heart on Wednesday afternoon in a race against time during two concurrent procedures, one in Cape Town and the other in Kimberley to harvest the unharmed organs.
Christiaan, after waking up from hours of anaesthesia in the intensive care unit of the Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital in Cape Town, thanked God for his new heart.
His father, Chris, a Bloemfontein state attorney, said Christiaan was in good spirits and would remain in Cape Town for three months with his mother, Liezel.
But in stark contrast, the community of Platfontein, a semi-arid area just outside Kimberley, live a forgotten existence, in a life mired in poverty, crime and alcohol abuse.
Late on Wednesday, when Christiaan’s heart transplant was almost complete, Sandra Kajuba, mother of Avelina, drank away her sorrows.
Violence had just savaged her family for a second time. Avelina, her eldest daughter was raped and murdered several years ago.
Speaking through an interpreter, Kajuba said she was devastated, but glad her daughter could give life to another person. However, after long hours of discussion yesterday around the fire in the close-knit family structures of the community, the reality of organ donation sunk in.
“I now have to bury my child without a heart. How can somebody live with my daughter’s heart and she is dead?” Kajuba asked.
Members of the Kajuba family said it was the first time organ donation had ever been mentioned within the Platfontein community.
Now, it’s something they cannot fully comprehend.
Avelina’s father, Kajuba Mukugo, joined the family near the fire, but minutes later walked away in anger after overhearing the discussion about his daughter.
He divorced Sandra many years ago, but they still live two houses from each other.
“He is very upset about the transplant and grieved about Avelina’s heart,” family members said.
With the help of two female interpreters, an angry Sandra said her daughter’s heart donation had not been fully explained to her. “They did not ask us to take out her heart and give it away. I did not even have the time to give my thumb print. My daughter’s husband should now be released from jail to dig her grave. We will not dig the grave. After he has done this job, the police can take him back to jail,” she said.
The Kajuba’s said they wanted to meet Christiaan’s family. “The families should talk. It is only fair that we should be compensated for our loss.”
A few kilometres away from Sandra’s house, the house of Stefanus was deserted. He had appeared in the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court on Thursday on charges of murder.
His relative said she did not know what happened on Monday night when Avelina was severely beaten, allegedly by Stefanus, in Sandra’s home.
Sandra, she said, had tried desperately to stop her daughter’s attacker, who was believed to be under the influence of alcohol. Neighbours did not intervene.
Several community members said Stefanus abused his young wife regularly. Her kidney has been donated to recipient from Kimberley and her liver to a child with irreversible liver failure. The other kidney and her corneas will be used at a later stage.
taken from IOL Daily Newsletter []
Thursday, November 4, 2010
10-year-old gives birth in Spain
MADRID - Spain's press reacted with alarm Wednesday to news that a 10-year-old girl had given birth.
Newspapers expressed shock at the delighted reaction of the mother of the girl, who reportedly moved from Romania to the small southern Spanish town of Lebrija three weeks earlier.
Photographed smiling outside their modest apartment block, the baby's grandmother, identified only as Olimpia, was quoted telling reporters that she and her only daughter were "very happy" after the birth.
The father of the 2.9-kilo (6.4-pound) baby was 13 years old and had remained in Romania, she said, describing him as her daughter's former boyfriend.
The young mother "is very well, very well, like the daughter who is very well and very pretty," Olimpia was quoted as saying.
The 10-year-old, discharged after three days at a hospital in nearby Jerez where she gave birth, "is very happy with her daughter. This is a great joy. It is not a drama," she reportedly said.
Olimpia could not understand the fuss because "this is the age we get married in Romania," said the Andalucia daily Diario de Jerez, which broke the story.
National daily El Pais said the number of births to girls aged under 15 in Spain had climbed to 178 births in 2008 from 80 in 1997.
It also cited 2008 national statistics showing 386 abortions performed on 14-year-old girls. In the same year, there was also one abortion for a 10-year-old girl and one for a nine-year-old girl.
According to the paper, experts disagreed on the physiological risks from giving birth so early.
If the mother had not yet completed her development or was malnourished, she could face serious risks, and her own development could even be interrupted, gynaecologist Manuel Alonso was quoted as saying.
Another expert, Javier Martinez Salmean, head of gynaecology at the Severo Ochoa Hospital in Leganes, central Spain, said everything depended on the girl's development.
"If she has completed her development and the minor has been cared for there is no reason that there should be a complication," he said.
Giving birth at such a young age presented serious psychological and social risks, El Pais said. "The body of a minor may be ready for a baby but a girl is not ready to be a mother," child psychologist Carolina Fernandez said.
The daily El Publico quoted legal sources as saying Spain could not take action if the baby was conceived in Romania, outside of Spanish jurisdiction. If the father was only 13, he would not in any case have criminal responsibility for sexual relations with a minor, it said.
Local authorities are considering whether social services should take responsibility of the girl and her baby, or whether they can remain with their family.
Original Article from:
Newspapers expressed shock at the delighted reaction of the mother of the girl, who reportedly moved from Romania to the small southern Spanish town of Lebrija three weeks earlier.
Photographed smiling outside their modest apartment block, the baby's grandmother, identified only as Olimpia, was quoted telling reporters that she and her only daughter were "very happy" after the birth.
The father of the 2.9-kilo (6.4-pound) baby was 13 years old and had remained in Romania, she said, describing him as her daughter's former boyfriend.
The young mother "is very well, very well, like the daughter who is very well and very pretty," Olimpia was quoted as saying.
The 10-year-old, discharged after three days at a hospital in nearby Jerez where she gave birth, "is very happy with her daughter. This is a great joy. It is not a drama," she reportedly said.
Olimpia could not understand the fuss because "this is the age we get married in Romania," said the Andalucia daily Diario de Jerez, which broke the story.
National daily El Pais said the number of births to girls aged under 15 in Spain had climbed to 178 births in 2008 from 80 in 1997.
It also cited 2008 national statistics showing 386 abortions performed on 14-year-old girls. In the same year, there was also one abortion for a 10-year-old girl and one for a nine-year-old girl.
According to the paper, experts disagreed on the physiological risks from giving birth so early.
If the mother had not yet completed her development or was malnourished, she could face serious risks, and her own development could even be interrupted, gynaecologist Manuel Alonso was quoted as saying.
Another expert, Javier Martinez Salmean, head of gynaecology at the Severo Ochoa Hospital in Leganes, central Spain, said everything depended on the girl's development.
"If she has completed her development and the minor has been cared for there is no reason that there should be a complication," he said.
Giving birth at such a young age presented serious psychological and social risks, El Pais said. "The body of a minor may be ready for a baby but a girl is not ready to be a mother," child psychologist Carolina Fernandez said.
The daily El Publico quoted legal sources as saying Spain could not take action if the baby was conceived in Romania, outside of Spanish jurisdiction. If the father was only 13, he would not in any case have criminal responsibility for sexual relations with a minor, it said.
Local authorities are considering whether social services should take responsibility of the girl and her baby, or whether they can remain with their family.
Original Article from:
Monday, November 1, 2010
Zuma overhauls the Cabinet
Pretoria - President Jacob Zuma announced a major cabinet reshuffle on Sunday, removing ten ministers including those responsible for communications and labour.
Zuma removed Barbara Hogan as minister of public enterprises and Siphiwe Nyanda as communications minister.
Hogan will be replaced by Malusi Gigaba, who is currently deputy minister of home affairs, Zuma told reporters in Cape Town today. Nyanda will be replaced by Roy Padayachee, he said.
Zuma told a press conference that the reshuffle was aimed at strengthening government ministries and to help improve the provision of basic services and improve the lives of the poor.
"We have taken a long and hard look at some departments with a view to strengthen some ministries and noted some of them needed additional deputy ministers to assist them in their duties," Zuma said when announcing the reshuffle in the presidential guest house in Pretoria.
Media had been speculating for weeks about a Cabinet shuffle.
Zuma also added deputies in several ministries, including police.
"We had to change the way government works in order to improve service delivery. Our mission was guided by improving the quality of the lives of South Africans," he said.
•Nyanda was replaced by Padayachie. His deputy would be Obed Bapele.
•Public Works Minister Geoff Doidge was replaced by Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde.
•Women, Children and People with Disabilities Minister Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya was replaced by Lulu Xingwana.
•Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana was replaced by Mildred Oliphant.
•Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica was replaced by Edna Molewa.
•Public Service and Administration Minister Richard Baloyi gets a deputy minister, Ayanda Dlodlo.
•Hogan was replaced by Malusi Gigaba. His deputy is Benedict Martin.
•Sports and Recreation Minister Makhenkesi Stofile was replaced by Fikile Mbalula.
•Arts and Culture Minister Lulu Xingwana was replaced by Paul Mashatile.
•Social Development Minister Edna Molewa was replaced by Bathabile Dlamini.
Oct 31 2010 19:21
by Reuters & Sapa. Original story from
Zuma removed Barbara Hogan as minister of public enterprises and Siphiwe Nyanda as communications minister.
Hogan will be replaced by Malusi Gigaba, who is currently deputy minister of home affairs, Zuma told reporters in Cape Town today. Nyanda will be replaced by Roy Padayachee, he said.
Zuma told a press conference that the reshuffle was aimed at strengthening government ministries and to help improve the provision of basic services and improve the lives of the poor.
"We have taken a long and hard look at some departments with a view to strengthen some ministries and noted some of them needed additional deputy ministers to assist them in their duties," Zuma said when announcing the reshuffle in the presidential guest house in Pretoria.
Media had been speculating for weeks about a Cabinet shuffle.
Zuma also added deputies in several ministries, including police.
"We had to change the way government works in order to improve service delivery. Our mission was guided by improving the quality of the lives of South Africans," he said.
•Nyanda was replaced by Padayachie. His deputy would be Obed Bapele.
•Public Works Minister Geoff Doidge was replaced by Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde.
•Women, Children and People with Disabilities Minister Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya was replaced by Lulu Xingwana.
•Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana was replaced by Mildred Oliphant.
•Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica was replaced by Edna Molewa.
•Public Service and Administration Minister Richard Baloyi gets a deputy minister, Ayanda Dlodlo.
•Hogan was replaced by Malusi Gigaba. His deputy is Benedict Martin.
•Sports and Recreation Minister Makhenkesi Stofile was replaced by Fikile Mbalula.
•Arts and Culture Minister Lulu Xingwana was replaced by Paul Mashatile.
•Social Development Minister Edna Molewa was replaced by Bathabile Dlamini.
Oct 31 2010 19:21
by Reuters & Sapa. Original story from
Friday, October 29, 2010
Diasporic voices of opposition: Virtual pursuits for identity and secession on AMBASOS; a Yahoo group discussion forum by Southern Cameroonians.
This essay argues that with the advent of computers and the convenience of computer mediated communications, it is easy for communities and nations to be created and sustained in cyberspace. After the Banjul verdict of May 2009, communications on AMBASOS and member’s quest for the Anglophone identity was fueled by the fact that most of them claimed to have fled marginalization and/or prosecution from Cameroon to seek refuge overseas. After analyzing email communications of members, this essay argues that even though not all Anglophone Cameroonians agree on a unique identity and the call for secession, most members of AMBASOS prefer to live separately from the Cameroon state. Because it is not so easy to cut off from their roots, members of this Yahoo discussion group have created and are recreating and holding on to certain practices, that remind them of home and give them hope of settling in their own nation in future.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Do Greetings matter?
I am thinking aloud here as a parent. You know when I go around the streets of Johannesburg and especially when I watch teenagers on Television, I tell myself that kids these days have no respect and no sense of culture. I Actually sat down to reflect and then concluded that it could be because parents are too busy to instill these cultures in them. Is it not true they say that we have to lead by example?
On the streets, on queues in shops and banks, in the lifts and even in churches, I have hardly been greeted by someone I do not know. When I greet, responses are not that warm. Honestly I do not approve of the fake smile people give me when our eyes meet. I have decided to frown at that instead, and to give such a person a funny look. I was actually surprised the other day when I greeted 2 ladies in a lift and none of them responded. I repeated my greeting in a more firm manner and after responding one lady said "Oh we do not greet each other here in Wits. People are just busy thinking about work and studies" I ignored her in anger because my response would not have been as pleasant as she expected given by the smile she wore.
If adults do not greet each other and lack the courtesy to respond to greetings, how then do I expect my 5year-old to greet anyone out of their house? It is really a 'rotten' society but I beg you all as parents and adults, we must remember that the duty is ours for the type of leaders we expect to have in future.
On the streets, on queues in shops and banks, in the lifts and even in churches, I have hardly been greeted by someone I do not know. When I greet, responses are not that warm. Honestly I do not approve of the fake smile people give me when our eyes meet. I have decided to frown at that instead, and to give such a person a funny look. I was actually surprised the other day when I greeted 2 ladies in a lift and none of them responded. I repeated my greeting in a more firm manner and after responding one lady said "Oh we do not greet each other here in Wits. People are just busy thinking about work and studies" I ignored her in anger because my response would not have been as pleasant as she expected given by the smile she wore.
If adults do not greet each other and lack the courtesy to respond to greetings, how then do I expect my 5year-old to greet anyone out of their house? It is really a 'rotten' society but I beg you all as parents and adults, we must remember that the duty is ours for the type of leaders we expect to have in future.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
You go Matriculants of 2010
Yesterday, Matric students around the country were quoted as saying the first day of matric exams went well.
following the last student's strike that called for a 25% upfront mark even before the start of the exams, fears had been that there could be some disruptions. News24 quoted the MEC of Education in kwazulunatal's spokesperson; Muntu Lukhozi as saying “There have been no reports, we assume everything is going well,”
Some previleged Grade 12 pupils were writing Information Technology theory and Computer Application theory. Previlege because not all schools in the country offer these courses since they can either not afford or maintain computers.
Due to mounting fears of disruption, Police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Vincent Mdunge said police were keeping an eye on matters. Even though “So far everything is going well. Nothing has happened.” I also add that "Nothing shall happen in God's name"
I take this opportunity to wish all the matriculants a brilliant writing period and of course a golden future.
Mama Vicky.
following the last student's strike that called for a 25% upfront mark even before the start of the exams, fears had been that there could be some disruptions. News24 quoted the MEC of Education in kwazulunatal's spokesperson; Muntu Lukhozi as saying “There have been no reports, we assume everything is going well,”
Some previleged Grade 12 pupils were writing Information Technology theory and Computer Application theory. Previlege because not all schools in the country offer these courses since they can either not afford or maintain computers.
Due to mounting fears of disruption, Police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Vincent Mdunge said police were keeping an eye on matters. Even though “So far everything is going well. Nothing has happened.” I also add that "Nothing shall happen in God's name"
I take this opportunity to wish all the matriculants a brilliant writing period and of course a golden future.
Mama Vicky.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
How Loving can one be?
What do you do when anger seem to overpower love or when you unconciously place the love for material over that for human being? We could all be guilty after reading this story:
it begins that while a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times; not realizing he was using a wrench.
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.
When the child saw his father.....with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times.
Devastated by his own actions...sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'. The next day that man committed suicide.
Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful,
lovely life... Things are to be used and people are to be loved, But the
problem in today's world is that, People are used and things are loved...
During the day, be careful to keep this thought in mind: Things are to be
used, but People are to be loved ... Be yourself... This is the only day we HAVE. Have a nice day. Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. I'm glad a friend forwarded
this to me as a reminder.
If you don't pass this on to anybody, nothing bad will happen; if you do,
you will have ministered to someone.
Have YOU become a user ' and do not recognize love? Have YOU missed the
opportunity to apologize for your thoughtlessness. Stay FAITHFUL and Be
This might be sad, but it is so true in the world that we live in today! If this
it begins that while a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times; not realizing he was using a wrench.
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.
When the child saw his father.....with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times.
Devastated by his own actions...sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'. The next day that man committed suicide.
Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful,
lovely life... Things are to be used and people are to be loved, But the
problem in today's world is that, People are used and things are loved...
During the day, be careful to keep this thought in mind: Things are to be
used, but People are to be loved ... Be yourself... This is the only day we HAVE. Have a nice day. Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. I'm glad a friend forwarded
this to me as a reminder.
If you don't pass this on to anybody, nothing bad will happen; if you do,
you will have ministered to someone.
Have YOU become a user ' and do not recognize love? Have YOU missed the
opportunity to apologize for your thoughtlessness. Stay FAITHFUL and Be
This might be sad, but it is so true in the world that we live in today! If this
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
When will a monkey get accepted by the human beings who run the earth and reign the economy? It was so disheartening last weekend for me to find out what happened to a Cameroonian born football Player in Spain. I though for a creature of that nature (I dare not call him a human being for the sake of my racist white readers) who brings so much joy to football fans, he would be seen as just a football player.
Eto'o Fils has made them celebrate, he has brought them joy, make them money, yet all they do is call him a MONKEY? Well educted people, where does all this take us? Does it really pay a person to degrade another so much? Were we not all born 9 months after swimming in our mothers wombs? conceived of sperms from our fathers? Are we not all created by the Devine being we worship? If Eto'o came from the forest and all the racist white people in Spain were born in hospitals, then I say to them Keep up your racist attitude for you are well too superior a human being than any BLACK Person.
Eto'o Fils has made them celebrate, he has brought them joy, make them money, yet all they do is call him a MONKEY? Well educted people, where does all this take us? Does it really pay a person to degrade another so much? Were we not all born 9 months after swimming in our mothers wombs? conceived of sperms from our fathers? Are we not all created by the Devine being we worship? If Eto'o came from the forest and all the racist white people in Spain were born in hospitals, then I say to them Keep up your racist attitude for you are well too superior a human being than any BLACK Person.
Monday, October 18, 2010
How Do African Governments Function?
With the ages of our leaders, there seem to be no intellignet ones left to rule the people. The below story illustrates my point.
Once upon a time, when President elect Obasanjo of Nigeria was still in office, he got an invitation from the Queen to come for a visit to England. After all the banquets and carriage rides and what not, Baba finally got the quiet moment he had craved all day in order to have a one on one chat with her majesty. After the usual small talk, Baba quickly popped the question. He asked her what the secret to her success was. You know Nigerians, we think everything is a secret…the President's health status is a secret, his whereabouts is a secret, reports of the various panels of enquiry set up by govt to investigate the causes of different crises around the country are kept secret, we even have secret registries in every government agency in d country. Maybe we are a secretive people, we love secrets.
Anyway, back to our story. So Baba asked for the SECRET to the Queens's success and she told him that she relies on her people a lot and therefore she makes certain that only the intelligent get to positions of authority.
She decided to show him exactly what she meant and so she phoned Tony Blair. "Now listen carefully, Mr. Obasanjo. I'm going to ask Mr. Blair a question to determine his intelligence."
Queen: "Hello Mr. Blair, I have a question for you: your mother has a child, and your father has a child. This child is not your brother and is not your sister. Who is he?"
Tony Blair replied instantly, "It's ME Your Majesty!"
Queen: "Correct! Thank you and goodbye"
"You see Mr. Obasanjo?" said the Queen.
"Yes", he replied "and thanks a lot, I'll definitely be using that!"
Once back in Nigeria, he decided that he had doubts about Mantu's level of intelligence and he decided to test him. He arranged a meeting with him and asked him:
"Mantu, I have a question for you; your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Mantu thinks...... and thinks………and thinks, and finally says, "Em, Mr. President, you must give me more time to think about it."
And Mr. Obasanjo gave him 2 weeks to come up with an answer. That afternoon, Mantu called a meeting of all his aides, advisers and assistants to discuss the question, but NOBODY knew the answer. So he decided to take it to the floor of the Senate. After a heated debate the Senate President thought it wise to clear out the gallery and go into a closed session as he believed the revelations that might result could be damaging to the family and reputation of the distinguished Senator Mantu.
After about two hours of deliberations, the house decided to set up an ad hoc committee to look into the matter and report back to it in ten days. The committee was given the following terms of reference:
1. To come up with a complete family tree of the entire Mantu clan
2. To pay a courtesy call to the traditional ruler of Mantu's village and the State Governor
3. To interview all living relatives of Senator Mantu
4. To determine if Sen. Mantu's dad had any extramarital affairs
5. To determine the DNA composition of Sen. Mantu (in Germany of course or Saudi)
On completion of its assignment, the committee was to submit its report to the Senate which would then pass it on to the Senate committee on special duties. This committee would then review the report of the ad hoc committee and come up with a draft "white paper" (whatever that means). This draft "white paper" would then be brought back to the Senate and on approval would be passed on to the President through Senator Mantu.
The Ad-hoc committee then submitted its budget which, of course, was kept SECRET, but included funds for;
a) The immediate purchase of Land Cruiser jeeps for each of the 12 members of the committee. The jeeps would be used to travel to Mantu's village because, as you know, Nigerian roads are bad and Mantu's village is remote.
b) Air tickets (first class of course) and hotel accommodation in Jos for committee members and their numerous aides. They'd stay at the Hill-station hotel and drive to Mantu's village in the morning.
c) Air tickets (again first class) to Germany and back, and hotel accommodation (five star) for everybody.
d) Estacodes and hazard allowances
e) Logistics
f) Miscellaneous
Even though the budget was kept secret, you can easily come up with the figure by taking the actual estimate of the above list and multiply by ten. You'll only run into problems when you get to the final two items (logistics & miscellaneous) , as these are usually added to cover for all the people that need to be "settled" in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Therefore the figures have the tendency of varying widely and so it can't really be predicted.
Anyway, the money was released and the committee started its assignment in earnest. They finished within the time frame that was stipulated in their terms of reference and they prepared a voluminous report which was to be presented at the senate at plenary. But on the d-day when the chairman of the committee was about to make the presentation, a distinguished senator from the Southern part of the country raised a "point of order". He argued that the committee was illegal because its composition was lopsided in favor of a certain region in the country. He pointed out that of the 12 members; seven were from the North and only five from the South. Not to be outdone, another senator, this time from the North, raised a "point of order" on the "point of order" that was raised by the senator from the South. He argued that since the committee's assignment was primarily to investigate the lineage of Senator Mantu (who was from the North), they needed
senators who knew the terrain, who understood the culture of the people and their language.
More points of order followed and after a while the Senate President decided to put a stop to it by subjecting it to a voice vote.
And thus he announced, "All those in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus go ahead to present its report say "AYE"". And the house responded accordingly.
And then he asked again, "All those not in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus should not go ahead to present its report say "NAY"". And the house responded accordingly.
Unfortunately for Mantu, the "NAYs had it" and thus the report was never presented. Now Mantu had a really big problem, because the President was waiting for an answer and he had run out of time. So in one last effort, he decided to phone his very good friend Jerry Rawlings who had always sounded intelligent to Mantu and thus might have the answer to this really difficult question.
"Jerry, your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Jerry answered immediately. "Hey, Mantu, It's me of course, you dumb Nigerian!"
Mantu couldn't believe his luck and so he rushed to Aso Rock Villa, his motorcade of five cars moving at top speed with sirens blaring. Ordinary Nigerians going about their normal businesses scampered out of the way. When they finally arrived their destination, Mantu literarily ran all the way to the President's office.
"Mr. President, Mr. President", he called out, breathing heavily. "I know who he is."
Obasanjo: "Good, so tell me"
Mantu: "It's Jerry Rawlings Sir! In fact, when he revealed the SECRET to me, I started to see the resemblance between us"
Obasanjo: "Jerry Rawlings ko, Jerry Gana ni. You are such a stupid senator. Olodo rakpata! I'll make sure you don't return to office after this term. Stupid man, the correct answer is TONY BLAIR!"
And that's how Mantu never returned to the Senate even though he supported the President's third term agenda.
This is how Africa is governed and the people of Africa seem to be lobing this.
Once upon a time, when President elect Obasanjo of Nigeria was still in office, he got an invitation from the Queen to come for a visit to England. After all the banquets and carriage rides and what not, Baba finally got the quiet moment he had craved all day in order to have a one on one chat with her majesty. After the usual small talk, Baba quickly popped the question. He asked her what the secret to her success was. You know Nigerians, we think everything is a secret…the President's health status is a secret, his whereabouts is a secret, reports of the various panels of enquiry set up by govt to investigate the causes of different crises around the country are kept secret, we even have secret registries in every government agency in d country. Maybe we are a secretive people, we love secrets.
Anyway, back to our story. So Baba asked for the SECRET to the Queens's success and she told him that she relies on her people a lot and therefore she makes certain that only the intelligent get to positions of authority.
She decided to show him exactly what she meant and so she phoned Tony Blair. "Now listen carefully, Mr. Obasanjo. I'm going to ask Mr. Blair a question to determine his intelligence."
Queen: "Hello Mr. Blair, I have a question for you: your mother has a child, and your father has a child. This child is not your brother and is not your sister. Who is he?"
Tony Blair replied instantly, "It's ME Your Majesty!"
Queen: "Correct! Thank you and goodbye"
"You see Mr. Obasanjo?" said the Queen.
"Yes", he replied "and thanks a lot, I'll definitely be using that!"
Once back in Nigeria, he decided that he had doubts about Mantu's level of intelligence and he decided to test him. He arranged a meeting with him and asked him:
"Mantu, I have a question for you; your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Mantu thinks...... and thinks………and thinks, and finally says, "Em, Mr. President, you must give me more time to think about it."
And Mr. Obasanjo gave him 2 weeks to come up with an answer. That afternoon, Mantu called a meeting of all his aides, advisers and assistants to discuss the question, but NOBODY knew the answer. So he decided to take it to the floor of the Senate. After a heated debate the Senate President thought it wise to clear out the gallery and go into a closed session as he believed the revelations that might result could be damaging to the family and reputation of the distinguished Senator Mantu.
After about two hours of deliberations, the house decided to set up an ad hoc committee to look into the matter and report back to it in ten days. The committee was given the following terms of reference:
1. To come up with a complete family tree of the entire Mantu clan
2. To pay a courtesy call to the traditional ruler of Mantu's village and the State Governor
3. To interview all living relatives of Senator Mantu
4. To determine if Sen. Mantu's dad had any extramarital affairs
5. To determine the DNA composition of Sen. Mantu (in Germany of course or Saudi)
On completion of its assignment, the committee was to submit its report to the Senate which would then pass it on to the Senate committee on special duties. This committee would then review the report of the ad hoc committee and come up with a draft "white paper" (whatever that means). This draft "white paper" would then be brought back to the Senate and on approval would be passed on to the President through Senator Mantu.
The Ad-hoc committee then submitted its budget which, of course, was kept SECRET, but included funds for;
a) The immediate purchase of Land Cruiser jeeps for each of the 12 members of the committee. The jeeps would be used to travel to Mantu's village because, as you know, Nigerian roads are bad and Mantu's village is remote.
b) Air tickets (first class of course) and hotel accommodation in Jos for committee members and their numerous aides. They'd stay at the Hill-station hotel and drive to Mantu's village in the morning.
c) Air tickets (again first class) to Germany and back, and hotel accommodation (five star) for everybody.
d) Estacodes and hazard allowances
e) Logistics
f) Miscellaneous
Even though the budget was kept secret, you can easily come up with the figure by taking the actual estimate of the above list and multiply by ten. You'll only run into problems when you get to the final two items (logistics & miscellaneous) , as these are usually added to cover for all the people that need to be "settled" in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Therefore the figures have the tendency of varying widely and so it can't really be predicted.
Anyway, the money was released and the committee started its assignment in earnest. They finished within the time frame that was stipulated in their terms of reference and they prepared a voluminous report which was to be presented at the senate at plenary. But on the d-day when the chairman of the committee was about to make the presentation, a distinguished senator from the Southern part of the country raised a "point of order". He argued that the committee was illegal because its composition was lopsided in favor of a certain region in the country. He pointed out that of the 12 members; seven were from the North and only five from the South. Not to be outdone, another senator, this time from the North, raised a "point of order" on the "point of order" that was raised by the senator from the South. He argued that since the committee's assignment was primarily to investigate the lineage of Senator Mantu (who was from the North), they needed
senators who knew the terrain, who understood the culture of the people and their language.
More points of order followed and after a while the Senate President decided to put a stop to it by subjecting it to a voice vote.
And thus he announced, "All those in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus go ahead to present its report say "AYE"". And the house responded accordingly.
And then he asked again, "All those not in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus should not go ahead to present its report say "NAY"". And the house responded accordingly.
Unfortunately for Mantu, the "NAYs had it" and thus the report was never presented. Now Mantu had a really big problem, because the President was waiting for an answer and he had run out of time. So in one last effort, he decided to phone his very good friend Jerry Rawlings who had always sounded intelligent to Mantu and thus might have the answer to this really difficult question.
"Jerry, your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Jerry answered immediately. "Hey, Mantu, It's me of course, you dumb Nigerian!"
Mantu couldn't believe his luck and so he rushed to Aso Rock Villa, his motorcade of five cars moving at top speed with sirens blaring. Ordinary Nigerians going about their normal businesses scampered out of the way. When they finally arrived their destination, Mantu literarily ran all the way to the President's office.
"Mr. President, Mr. President", he called out, breathing heavily. "I know who he is."
Obasanjo: "Good, so tell me"
Mantu: "It's Jerry Rawlings Sir! In fact, when he revealed the SECRET to me, I started to see the resemblance between us"
Obasanjo: "Jerry Rawlings ko, Jerry Gana ni. You are such a stupid senator. Olodo rakpata! I'll make sure you don't return to office after this term. Stupid man, the correct answer is TONY BLAIR!"
And that's how Mantu never returned to the Senate even though he supported the President's third term agenda.
This is how Africa is governed and the people of Africa seem to be lobing this.
Man killed wife and two children
What is the world turning into? How would you take a woman's life and those of your own children because of mere suspicion? The devil is at work and we have to push him out of our lives after reading this story.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ― Angry over a suspected affair, a 43-year-old Minnesota man struck his wife in the head with a golf club and strangled her with an electrical cord until she died, then drugged two of his children and killed them while one struggled and begged for him to stop, according to criminal charges filed Friday.
Justus Ogendi Kebabe was charged Friday in Ramsey County with three counts of intentional murder in the deaths of his wife, Bilah Omare, who was in her 30s; his son, Kinley Ogendi, 12; and daughter, Ivyn Ogendi, 9.
The three were found dead Wednesday night in the family's third-floor apartment in Vadnais Heights. Kebabe, who had threatened to kill his wife in the past, was arrested that night in southern Minnesota. He had the couple's 4-year-old daughter with him, unharmed.
He made his first court appearance Friday, and bail was set at $3 million.
"Our entire community feels the pain and sadness of these horrific deaths," Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner said. "They remind us, in such a tragic way, that domestic violence continues to take a horrible toll despite so much effort to prevent it."
A telephone message left at the public defender's office Friday was not immediately returned.
According to the criminal complaint, Kebabe initially lied about the killings — saying his wife died of a diabetic reaction and his two older children were with his brother. But after further questioning, he allegedly confessed to the murders in detail.
According to the charges, Kebabe told authorities that at around 11 a.m. Monday, he argued with his wife over affairs he thought she was having. Kebabe told investigators he hit her in the head with a golf club, and after she started screaming, he strangled her with an electrical wire.
He then told investigators he brought her body into the bathroom, locked the door and put a towel under the door to keep blood from coming out, the complaint said.
Kebabe told investigators the children came home from school Monday and went to bed. On Tuesday morning, "he prepared a drink of cranberry juice putting inside a handful of Tylenol PM pills and disguising the taste of those with sugar," the complaint said. He then gave the drinks to his children.
After they finished drinking, Kinley went to take a bath in another bathroom — not the one that held his mother's body. Kebabe told authorities he went into the bathroom and held his boy's head under water while the boy struggled and said, "Stop daddy stop!" according to the complaint.
"Kebabe said that he held Kinley Ogendi under the water until he was dead," the complaint said. He then brought his son into his bedroom, but him in the bed, covered him with blankets and closed the door.
The complaint said Kebabe told authorities he then went into Ivyn's room, where she was groggy and lying on the bed. Kebabe told investigators he smothered her with a pillow and choked her with his hands until she was dead.
Kebabe, who is from Kenya, told authorities he put a plastic bag over his head to try to kill himself, but realized he had no plans for the couple's 4-year-old girl and didn't want her to go back to Africa. According to the complaint, Kebabe typed up notes about his daughter's future care, then panicked and drove away with the girl.
Kebabe's car ran out of gas on Interstate 35 in southern Minnesota. Kebabe ran away before police arrived, but the trooper who responded noted the girl was naked from the waist down. Kebabe allegedly told two women who stopped to help that the girl had wet her pants so he took them off, the complaint said.
When the trooper found Kebabe, he admitted he took Tylenol PM and was arrested for impaired driving. He told authorities his wife died and his kids were at his brother's house, but when police contacted Kebabe's brother, the man said he didn't know Omare was dead and did not have the children.
Kebabe's brother told Ramsey County authorities that Kebabe had been making recent threats to kill himself.
Sheriff's deputies went to the family's apartment and found several doors locked. Police opened the locked bathroom and found Omare, "with her body discolored and blood on the floor around her head," the complaint said. They then opened other locked doors one-by-one, and discovered first Ivyn, then Kinley.
Ramsey County put out an alert for Kebabe, and learned he was already in custody in southern Minnesota's Rice County.
Kebabe has a prior arrest for domestic assault. According to a sheriff's incident report from 2008, Kebabe was arrested for pushing Omare and threatening to kill her. Online court records show the assault charges were dropped and Kebabe pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct.
Story from
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ― Angry over a suspected affair, a 43-year-old Minnesota man struck his wife in the head with a golf club and strangled her with an electrical cord until she died, then drugged two of his children and killed them while one struggled and begged for him to stop, according to criminal charges filed Friday.
Justus Ogendi Kebabe was charged Friday in Ramsey County with three counts of intentional murder in the deaths of his wife, Bilah Omare, who was in her 30s; his son, Kinley Ogendi, 12; and daughter, Ivyn Ogendi, 9.
The three were found dead Wednesday night in the family's third-floor apartment in Vadnais Heights. Kebabe, who had threatened to kill his wife in the past, was arrested that night in southern Minnesota. He had the couple's 4-year-old daughter with him, unharmed.
He made his first court appearance Friday, and bail was set at $3 million.
"Our entire community feels the pain and sadness of these horrific deaths," Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner said. "They remind us, in such a tragic way, that domestic violence continues to take a horrible toll despite so much effort to prevent it."
A telephone message left at the public defender's office Friday was not immediately returned.
According to the criminal complaint, Kebabe initially lied about the killings — saying his wife died of a diabetic reaction and his two older children were with his brother. But after further questioning, he allegedly confessed to the murders in detail.
According to the charges, Kebabe told authorities that at around 11 a.m. Monday, he argued with his wife over affairs he thought she was having. Kebabe told investigators he hit her in the head with a golf club, and after she started screaming, he strangled her with an electrical wire.
He then told investigators he brought her body into the bathroom, locked the door and put a towel under the door to keep blood from coming out, the complaint said.
Kebabe told investigators the children came home from school Monday and went to bed. On Tuesday morning, "he prepared a drink of cranberry juice putting inside a handful of Tylenol PM pills and disguising the taste of those with sugar," the complaint said. He then gave the drinks to his children.
After they finished drinking, Kinley went to take a bath in another bathroom — not the one that held his mother's body. Kebabe told authorities he went into the bathroom and held his boy's head under water while the boy struggled and said, "Stop daddy stop!" according to the complaint.
"Kebabe said that he held Kinley Ogendi under the water until he was dead," the complaint said. He then brought his son into his bedroom, but him in the bed, covered him with blankets and closed the door.
The complaint said Kebabe told authorities he then went into Ivyn's room, where she was groggy and lying on the bed. Kebabe told investigators he smothered her with a pillow and choked her with his hands until she was dead.
Kebabe, who is from Kenya, told authorities he put a plastic bag over his head to try to kill himself, but realized he had no plans for the couple's 4-year-old girl and didn't want her to go back to Africa. According to the complaint, Kebabe typed up notes about his daughter's future care, then panicked and drove away with the girl.
Kebabe's car ran out of gas on Interstate 35 in southern Minnesota. Kebabe ran away before police arrived, but the trooper who responded noted the girl was naked from the waist down. Kebabe allegedly told two women who stopped to help that the girl had wet her pants so he took them off, the complaint said.
When the trooper found Kebabe, he admitted he took Tylenol PM and was arrested for impaired driving. He told authorities his wife died and his kids were at his brother's house, but when police contacted Kebabe's brother, the man said he didn't know Omare was dead and did not have the children.
Kebabe's brother told Ramsey County authorities that Kebabe had been making recent threats to kill himself.
Sheriff's deputies went to the family's apartment and found several doors locked. Police opened the locked bathroom and found Omare, "with her body discolored and blood on the floor around her head," the complaint said. They then opened other locked doors one-by-one, and discovered first Ivyn, then Kinley.
Ramsey County put out an alert for Kebabe, and learned he was already in custody in southern Minnesota's Rice County.
Kebabe has a prior arrest for domestic assault. According to a sheriff's incident report from 2008, Kebabe was arrested for pushing Omare and threatening to kill her. Online court records show the assault charges were dropped and Kebabe pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct.
Story from
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Media Coverage of Chile Mine Rescue
CNN)- Jubilation may have met the first man pulled from the collapse Chilean mine shaft, but it was the second man rescued whose image was splashed across news websites.
Wearing sunglasses and looking more like a rock star than a miner, Mario Sepulveda, 39, punched the air after being winched in a metal pod from deep below ground. He embraced a clearly elated Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and led the crowd in rousing chants.
"No-one expected souvenirs from the second man to emerge from 69 days trapped in northern Chile's San Jose mine, " the Sydney Morning Herald reported. "But there was Mario Sepulveda, 39, only moments free of the rescue capsule, digging into a scuffed, yellow kit bag for gifts for his rescuers - rocks."
British tabloid The Sun dubbed him "Super Mario," and repeated claims that he was the "joker of the pack" who had "earlier asked rescuers to send down a blow-up doll for his colleagues."
The Sun ran its main story under a typically irreverent headline "Up, up and hooray," while many others, including The New York Times, played it straight, updating its headline as each miner each miner reached the surface.
The first rescue came after the publishing deadline for print editions of European newspapers, but many updated the drama in live online blogs.
"José Ojeda is the seventh miner to be rescued. He waves a smudgy Chilean flag. Very calm and now a big smile and a big hug for his stepdaughter, "blogged the Guardian newspaper, noting the scale of the event was similar to the "media hullabaloo" in the U.S. over the rescue of a toddler Jessica McClure from an eight-inch pipe in 1987.
By the eighth rescue, Germany's Spiegel had updated its leading headline to read "Miracle in the Desert," while, for a time, France's La Tribune relegated the Chile rescue to its second article as the nation entered a second day of strikes.
Spain's El Mundo led with a mosaic of black and white images of the 33 miners which turned to color as each was rescued, under the headline "Welcome to Life."
Australian press called on the expert opinion of two men who survived two weeks trapped almost one kilometer down a gold mine in Tasmania four years ago.
Todd Russell and Brant Webb emerged as heroes after their ordeal, but have told of their struggle to move on. "These guys in Chile they're going to have to start unloading because otherwise they're going to build it up and it's going to become a little time bomb in them, and that's what breaks up marriages and families and ultimately yourself," Webb told Sky News.
Tasmanian newspaper The Mercury reported that residents of the small mining town of Beaconsfield, where the men were trapped, would be "glued to coverage of the Chilean mine rescue today."
"We are in that same unknown territory," Retired Uniting Church minister Frances Seen said. "They are going through the same sort of thing that we've gone through -- the waiting and the delays."
Wearing sunglasses and looking more like a rock star than a miner, Mario Sepulveda, 39, punched the air after being winched in a metal pod from deep below ground. He embraced a clearly elated Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and led the crowd in rousing chants.
"No-one expected souvenirs from the second man to emerge from 69 days trapped in northern Chile's San Jose mine, " the Sydney Morning Herald reported. "But there was Mario Sepulveda, 39, only moments free of the rescue capsule, digging into a scuffed, yellow kit bag for gifts for his rescuers - rocks."
British tabloid The Sun dubbed him "Super Mario," and repeated claims that he was the "joker of the pack" who had "earlier asked rescuers to send down a blow-up doll for his colleagues."
The Sun ran its main story under a typically irreverent headline "Up, up and hooray," while many others, including The New York Times, played it straight, updating its headline as each miner each miner reached the surface.
The first rescue came after the publishing deadline for print editions of European newspapers, but many updated the drama in live online blogs.
"José Ojeda is the seventh miner to be rescued. He waves a smudgy Chilean flag. Very calm and now a big smile and a big hug for his stepdaughter, "blogged the Guardian newspaper, noting the scale of the event was similar to the "media hullabaloo" in the U.S. over the rescue of a toddler Jessica McClure from an eight-inch pipe in 1987.
By the eighth rescue, Germany's Spiegel had updated its leading headline to read "Miracle in the Desert," while, for a time, France's La Tribune relegated the Chile rescue to its second article as the nation entered a second day of strikes.
Spain's El Mundo led with a mosaic of black and white images of the 33 miners which turned to color as each was rescued, under the headline "Welcome to Life."
Australian press called on the expert opinion of two men who survived two weeks trapped almost one kilometer down a gold mine in Tasmania four years ago.
Todd Russell and Brant Webb emerged as heroes after their ordeal, but have told of their struggle to move on. "These guys in Chile they're going to have to start unloading because otherwise they're going to build it up and it's going to become a little time bomb in them, and that's what breaks up marriages and families and ultimately yourself," Webb told Sky News.
Tasmanian newspaper The Mercury reported that residents of the small mining town of Beaconsfield, where the men were trapped, would be "glued to coverage of the Chilean mine rescue today."
"We are in that same unknown territory," Retired Uniting Church minister Frances Seen said. "They are going through the same sort of thing that we've gone through -- the waiting and the delays."
Chile Celebrates Mine Rescue
The miners have been trapped underground for more than two months. Efforts to surface them will take place on an individual basis using a specially built cage.
Rescue operations to bring 33 trapped miners to the surface are officially underway in Chile. The AP reports that the only media allowed to record images of the men emerging from the shaft will be a government photographer and Chile's state television channel.
When the 33 miners were determined to be alive in late August, it was said that it could take up to four months to get them all out alive.
One of the trapped miners, 19-year-old Jimmy Sánchez, wrote an emotional letter to a relative just days ago.
Scroll down for live video updates as rescue efforts develop and keep checking back for the latest information.
story from:
Rescue operations to bring 33 trapped miners to the surface are officially underway in Chile. The AP reports that the only media allowed to record images of the men emerging from the shaft will be a government photographer and Chile's state television channel.
When the 33 miners were determined to be alive in late August, it was said that it could take up to four months to get them all out alive.
One of the trapped miners, 19-year-old Jimmy Sánchez, wrote an emotional letter to a relative just days ago.
Scroll down for live video updates as rescue efforts develop and keep checking back for the latest information.
story from:
Thursday, October 7, 2010
FOREIGN ownership and control of Banks or FOREIGN banks in SA?
The economy they say is controlled by banks. Banks are intend controlled by the clients whose loyalty to them is vital. Reuters news of 6th September stated that the worry of most South Africans is that three of their top four banks have a substantial foreign owner. As it stands, Standard Bank is 20 percent owned by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, while Absa is majority owned by Britain's Barclays. Now there is an approved HSBC's $8 billion bid to buy 70 percent of Nedbank. This leaves only the FirstRand under total domestic control. Who knows, as you read this article, there might be a deal on the way for FirstRand too.
However, most industry insiders view HSBC as a stronger foreign owner for Nedbank than Old Mutual, which has its roots in South Africa but is now based in London. Currently, Old Mutual said it would apply for permission to the central bank to take out 1.5 million pounds ($2.32 million) of the proceeds to pay down debt (capital flight). The rest of the money it says would remain in South Africa. Some analysts claim that the deal would be positive for the rand while others disagree. Addressing businesspeople on September 2nd in Soweto, the Reserve Bank Governor Gill Marcus is quoted on as saying “ownership in South African banks was a difficult question and needed careful consideration, because in South Africa, it's more complex. We have ownership that's mixed. Mixed ownership of banks does have risks. "It does create a situation of complexity and that needs careful consideration in my view,".
As a developing country, economist may argue that such investment gives a positive image to the country and even to the rand. What most of them and ever the Bank’s shareholders do not consider is the fact that foreign ownership leads to more foreign workers and this subsequently leads to more capital flight from the country.
However we look at the ownership and control of South Africa banks, it is important to be conscious of the fact that development has a price. That price could lead to complete foreign control of many sectors and industries as in the case of many developed countries.
However, most industry insiders view HSBC as a stronger foreign owner for Nedbank than Old Mutual, which has its roots in South Africa but is now based in London. Currently, Old Mutual said it would apply for permission to the central bank to take out 1.5 million pounds ($2.32 million) of the proceeds to pay down debt (capital flight). The rest of the money it says would remain in South Africa. Some analysts claim that the deal would be positive for the rand while others disagree. Addressing businesspeople on September 2nd in Soweto, the Reserve Bank Governor Gill Marcus is quoted on as saying “ownership in South African banks was a difficult question and needed careful consideration, because in South Africa, it's more complex. We have ownership that's mixed. Mixed ownership of banks does have risks. "It does create a situation of complexity and that needs careful consideration in my view,".
As a developing country, economist may argue that such investment gives a positive image to the country and even to the rand. What most of them and ever the Bank’s shareholders do not consider is the fact that foreign ownership leads to more foreign workers and this subsequently leads to more capital flight from the country.
However we look at the ownership and control of South Africa banks, it is important to be conscious of the fact that development has a price. That price could lead to complete foreign control of many sectors and industries as in the case of many developed countries.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Why are men so violent?
Dear Pals,
I had a discussion which concluded that men are more violent than women. I have pondered through this for a day now and still have some doubts as more of the thought arouse more questions. Please drop me a line or two to let me know what you think.
Are men more violent than women?
I had a discussion which concluded that men are more violent than women. I have pondered through this for a day now and still have some doubts as more of the thought arouse more questions. Please drop me a line or two to let me know what you think.
Are men more violent than women?
Google Could be racist
I was thrilled to find out that when doing some searches in this most powerful search engine, I came up with words that sent me thinking. This morning, I came accross a campus newspaper that carried a headline similar to the above but had no time to read the article. As I sat down infront of my computer, I decided to give google a try and beleive me, what I found is nasty.
when I entered "Black people",Google finished it by stating "... stole my car"
Obama is I had options from Google such as "satanist, Fraud, Idiot, Muslem, joke, Racist, Liar etc"
I tried. You do the rest.
when I entered "Black people",Google finished it by stating "... stole my car"
Obama is I had options from Google such as "satanist, Fraud, Idiot, Muslem, joke, Racist, Liar etc"
I tried. You do the rest.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Nursing and Teaching Strike in SA

We call them sisters. A very soothing title for a profession made up of a handsome number of women. Nurses all over the world – and particularly in South Africa where hospitals are under-staffed – work long, difficult hours, yet they are underpaid. The government and many people think nurses’ rewards should lie in being of service to others. At the same time, teachers enjoy their jobs because they took an oath to empower our children and even some grown-ups too. Their working conditions are terrible and most of them do not have offices. They do most of their administrative jobs from their homes; houses that are often in a terrible condition. But the government and many non-teachers think they do not have the right to decent salaries and housing allowances.
During the recent public service strike in South Africa, newspaper images and television screens were filled with images of groups of women toyi-toying in response to the government’s refusal to an 8% salary increase. These groups comprised teachers and nurses, alongside their public sector colleagues. The public has responded with disappointment and anger, especially where demonstrations have turned violent and because schooling and medical services have been disrupted. Because to them, teachers and nurses are lucky to have jobs and they knew what they were letting themselves in for when choosing the profession.
I do not write to condone violence nor the disruption of classes and the treatment of patients and non-strikers. I will never do that because the strikers have civil rights. What they do not seem to remember though is that while it is everyone’s democratic right to strike, it is also everyone’s democratic right to decide not to strike. As such, it becomes unacceptable to threaten or intimidate people who make either decision.
Let us assume that teachers are in this profession because of their call to educate the nation while nurses are angels of mercy. It is assumed that women are by nature educators and nurturers because amongst other things, they often come to the aid of those in need for nothing in return. When teachers and nurses go on strike, it seems to touch a raw nerve in our country’s consciousness because it is similar to a mother who goes on strike, and refuses to nurture the family or do any housework until she gets some recognition for it. When people protest to violent acts by women, it is because the picture painted in our minds seems like that of mothers who abandon their homes and children to go to war. Images of violent women during strikes evoke horror sights.
Teachers’ unions, nurses’ unions and COSATU have all been very vocal in stating that compassion does not pay the bills at the end of every month. In fact one striker stated on television news that they (educators) are the ones who make the directors and ministers of government who they are. I guess on the other side of the coin, nurses put forward a similar argument. Teachers and nurses are expected to give everything, and get very little in return for it. Loyalty and care is a two-way street, isn’t it? The government should be able to give what it expects to take.
Is it right for me to ask why the demand of these teachers and nurses has to be so irrelevant that the strike has to result to violence? Looking at the gender composition of these two professions and of the service profession in general, I am tempted to state that its employees find themselves at the very bottom of the public service pay scale because about 80% of the teachers in this country are women. The figure for nurses is possibly higher. In my opinion, these women should be paid more for working in the frontlines of education and social care, for dealing with children’s emotional and social challenges, for being the parents to our children during the day, for touching blood, bedpans, dying patients and for being in the front lines of overworked and stressed principals, head teachers, doctors, midwives and other specialists.
I am not for a moment denying that you find lazy, inefficient and disinterested teachers and nurses who are insufficiently trained and have bad attitudes, just like in every single profession. In fact the point I make in this article is that the responsibility for caring for patients in state schools and hospitals is that of the government. That the government has to create the kind of scenario in which teachers and nurses have the right to office space, equipment, expertise, support, financial encouragement, and other working conditions in order to do their jobs. Otherwise, the government will be failing both the teachers, nurses and the citizens. People now blame the teachers and nurses whose frustration has reached boiling point. This, in my view, is blaming the victim rather than the perpetrator.
Thank you
Friday, September 10, 2010
Life's Challenges
The past days have not been very friendly to me and my colleaques. We had secured a new office space and was due to move since March. This move did not stop dragging on untill we finally moved last weekend.
Look at this. Telkom had been unable to get telephone lines for us all this while. They got it and finally came to install the lines on the 2nd of September, then we found out that we have to move on the 3rd or that weekend because our PBX will be moved also.
What time were we left with to clean the new officed, pack our boxes, call the removal trucks, move to the new offices, allocate seating arrangements, unpack the boxes, call in the necessary technicians to configure telephones, computers, intercom, etc etc before we start work on Monday? Then on top of all these, I have to be in class on Monday too. No doubt I was in such a state till today.
Eiiiich, I'm still very very exhausted.
Look at this. Telkom had been unable to get telephone lines for us all this while. They got it and finally came to install the lines on the 2nd of September, then we found out that we have to move on the 3rd or that weekend because our PBX will be moved also.
What time were we left with to clean the new officed, pack our boxes, call the removal trucks, move to the new offices, allocate seating arrangements, unpack the boxes, call in the necessary technicians to configure telephones, computers, intercom, etc etc before we start work on Monday? Then on top of all these, I have to be in class on Monday too. No doubt I was in such a state till today.
Eiiiich, I'm still very very exhausted.
I like this Quote
“We are not afraid anymore of witch-hunts and the curses that rain down on feminists. If being powerful and knowledgeable is being a witch, then let every woman be a witch.”
a borrowed quote
a borrowed quote
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Knowledge has never been to Old. So is DESIDERATA
It reads
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
How cellphones affect sperm
Cellphone radiation reduces the ability of human sperm to move spontaneously, a new Stellenbosch University study has found.
The research, which looked at the effects of cellphone radiation on human semen quality, and whether radio frequency-electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW) could cause male infertility, established that while these waves had no effect on the viability of sperm cells, they significantly decreased sperm's motility (a biological term which refers to the ability of semen to move spontaneously and actively).
According to the lead researcher and head of medical physiology at Stellenbosch University, Professor Stefan du Plessis, researchers split each of the total 20 samples into three, then exposed the 60 samples to different frequencies.
Continues Below↓
One sample was controlled, another was exposed to cellphones on stand-by mode, and the third to cellphones on talk mode.
About 25 percent of sperm cells that were exposed to talk-mode cells were found to have a decreased ability to swim, something that researchers described as a "challenge" during the natural fertilisation process.
"The exposure was done in vitro for about an hour. Interestingly, we found no changes in viability of the sperm cells that were exposed to the different frequencies. The exposure didn't kill the cells. However, there was a decrease in motility in those sperm cells that were exposed to the talk-mode waves," he said.
Du Plessis explained that while the study was still in its preliminary stages, and researchers could not prove that cellphone radiation could lead to infertility, the early results was interesting given the fact that the majority of males kept cellphones in their pockets.
More research was needed on why radiation reduced sperm movement. It was also yet to be established whether radiation caused any damage to the DNA of a sperm cell or alterations in spermatogenesis (sperm production).
"We need to look at reactive oxygen species production. During the process of sperm production, cells are vulnerable to any environmental insults such as temperature, exposure to chemicals and metals, as well as radiation.
"While the standby mode seemed to not have an effect on the viability of sperm, we are concerned about the effect that the talk-mode radiation might have on the quality of sperm, especially with the increasing use of new technology phones that have much higher frequency. The risk of talk-mode radiation is even more when using Bluetooth and hands-free devices, as the frequency emitted is likely to be absorbed by cells in the testes," Du Plessis warned.
While there was still debate on whether cellphone radiation caused infertility, he added that young people should be especially cautious of putting cellphones in close proximity to testes.
Taken from IOL-Technology and not edited.
The research, which looked at the effects of cellphone radiation on human semen quality, and whether radio frequency-electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW) could cause male infertility, established that while these waves had no effect on the viability of sperm cells, they significantly decreased sperm's motility (a biological term which refers to the ability of semen to move spontaneously and actively).
According to the lead researcher and head of medical physiology at Stellenbosch University, Professor Stefan du Plessis, researchers split each of the total 20 samples into three, then exposed the 60 samples to different frequencies.
Continues Below↓
One sample was controlled, another was exposed to cellphones on stand-by mode, and the third to cellphones on talk mode.
About 25 percent of sperm cells that were exposed to talk-mode cells were found to have a decreased ability to swim, something that researchers described as a "challenge" during the natural fertilisation process.
"The exposure was done in vitro for about an hour. Interestingly, we found no changes in viability of the sperm cells that were exposed to the different frequencies. The exposure didn't kill the cells. However, there was a decrease in motility in those sperm cells that were exposed to the talk-mode waves," he said.
Du Plessis explained that while the study was still in its preliminary stages, and researchers could not prove that cellphone radiation could lead to infertility, the early results was interesting given the fact that the majority of males kept cellphones in their pockets.
More research was needed on why radiation reduced sperm movement. It was also yet to be established whether radiation caused any damage to the DNA of a sperm cell or alterations in spermatogenesis (sperm production).
"We need to look at reactive oxygen species production. During the process of sperm production, cells are vulnerable to any environmental insults such as temperature, exposure to chemicals and metals, as well as radiation.
"While the standby mode seemed to not have an effect on the viability of sperm, we are concerned about the effect that the talk-mode radiation might have on the quality of sperm, especially with the increasing use of new technology phones that have much higher frequency. The risk of talk-mode radiation is even more when using Bluetooth and hands-free devices, as the frequency emitted is likely to be absorbed by cells in the testes," Du Plessis warned.
While there was still debate on whether cellphone radiation caused infertility, he added that young people should be especially cautious of putting cellphones in close proximity to testes.
Taken from IOL-Technology and not edited.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Radio in Africa
Today, I was part of a group presentation on "How colonialisation has influenced the media sysytems in Africa". It was just amazing to find out for how long the white man had manipulated Africa. What is more interesting is to know how Britain had hold on to sovereignty and for how long the English Language has subordinated other languages.
Will Africa ever come out of this supression? I asked myself so many questions that I had no immediate answers to in the near future.
Broadcast medium has been under colonial hands and this control was handed over to governments as countries gained independence. This mode of communication is a very big PROPAGANDA tool for politicians and this explains why the government will always have a firm grip over radio and television.
Is the African media's war for freedom and less manipulations by state machinary similar to those fought in Europe and America in the early 19th century? I ask this question becuase Europeans seems to think that all in Africa is dark and that they did not go through a similar phases.
Lets see if like them, Africa will one day have a dawn. ... no matter how long it takes.
Will Africa ever come out of this supression? I asked myself so many questions that I had no immediate answers to in the near future.
Broadcast medium has been under colonial hands and this control was handed over to governments as countries gained independence. This mode of communication is a very big PROPAGANDA tool for politicians and this explains why the government will always have a firm grip over radio and television.
Is the African media's war for freedom and less manipulations by state machinary similar to those fought in Europe and America in the early 19th century? I ask this question becuase Europeans seems to think that all in Africa is dark and that they did not go through a similar phases.
Lets see if like them, Africa will one day have a dawn. ... no matter how long it takes.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Who should apologise here?
Who should have apologized in this case?
One of the renowned lawyers in Texas had made love to a city prostitute who unfortunately forgot to take her panty from the lawyer's car. Afterwards he drove home and as usual the wife came out with open arms, hugged him warmly and led him to the house. The man then remembered, 'Honey please rush to the car and get some chicken. Sorry I forgot to bring it with me after the hug.' The lady dashed to the car. What met her eyes? A woman's panty!!!!!! 'Caught this idiot today' she thought. 'You thought you could escape this time round!' She muttered. With all her strength she tore the panty into pieces and rushed back to the husband ready to tear him down. During all this time ' the man had realized his folly and was ready. He was smart enough.
'Now why do you ruin my life?' the lady asked. 'You! Do you realize what you have just done!?' the husband stammered outrageously 'That's the case worth ten million dollars I told you about yesterday and the panty was the rape evidence. What am I going to present before court tomorrow? Why do you rush into action without consulting me first? You must produce that item!'
Unbelievably the wife was so sorry. She even went to look for the torn pieces and brought back to her husband with a promise never to repeat the mistake. She wouldn't imagine her husband losing 10 million.
Really who should have apologized?
One of the renowned lawyers in Texas had made love to a city prostitute who unfortunately forgot to take her panty from the lawyer's car. Afterwards he drove home and as usual the wife came out with open arms, hugged him warmly and led him to the house. The man then remembered, 'Honey please rush to the car and get some chicken. Sorry I forgot to bring it with me after the hug.' The lady dashed to the car. What met her eyes? A woman's panty!!!!!! 'Caught this idiot today' she thought. 'You thought you could escape this time round!' She muttered. With all her strength she tore the panty into pieces and rushed back to the husband ready to tear him down. During all this time ' the man had realized his folly and was ready. He was smart enough.
'Now why do you ruin my life?' the lady asked. 'You! Do you realize what you have just done!?' the husband stammered outrageously 'That's the case worth ten million dollars I told you about yesterday and the panty was the rape evidence. What am I going to present before court tomorrow? Why do you rush into action without consulting me first? You must produce that item!'
Unbelievably the wife was so sorry. She even went to look for the torn pieces and brought back to her husband with a promise never to repeat the mistake. She wouldn't imagine her husband losing 10 million.
Really who should have apologized?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Media Tribunal in South Africa
Who is the ANC led government trying to fool here? Is this tribunal a go back to the Apatheid period?
look at this brief.
The press commission was set up in 1950. It sat for eleven years as an intimidating inquisition. Its charge included the concentration of control of the press and its effect on the editorial opinion and comment and media presentation. The press had been served a notice that it activities were under scrutiny and was warned to watch its steps. This sound like and look like the direction which ANC is going with its proposal of a Media tribunal.
By 1954, Strydom regarded the English press as the enemy of the government. But at the same time, the government remained relatively unfettered by the negative reporting about Africans. Apartheid had in fact suppressed authentic African politics, which were really the politics of opposition. This suppression systematically affected both institutions and the press.
application of the Suppression of Communism Act. This Act prohibited newspapers from quoting the utterances, past of contemporaneous, of any person place under a special restriction called the "Banning Order". Similarly, newspapers could not publish anything deemed to further the aims of any banned organization. This was the law used to ban the ANC, PAC, BCM and 37 other organizations. This made it impossible for newspapers to report authentically to report on African politics for over 20 years.
Slowly the net tightened. Defense matters were placed out of bounds, except when publications were authorized by the Defense authorities themselves. The Official Secrets Act was tightened under the title of "The Protection of Information Act"(The ANC is using the same terms and ACt to create a media tribunal).
look at this brief.
The press commission was set up in 1950. It sat for eleven years as an intimidating inquisition. Its charge included the concentration of control of the press and its effect on the editorial opinion and comment and media presentation. The press had been served a notice that it activities were under scrutiny and was warned to watch its steps. This sound like and look like the direction which ANC is going with its proposal of a Media tribunal.
By 1954, Strydom regarded the English press as the enemy of the government. But at the same time, the government remained relatively unfettered by the negative reporting about Africans. Apartheid had in fact suppressed authentic African politics, which were really the politics of opposition. This suppression systematically affected both institutions and the press.
application of the Suppression of Communism Act. This Act prohibited newspapers from quoting the utterances, past of contemporaneous, of any person place under a special restriction called the "Banning Order". Similarly, newspapers could not publish anything deemed to further the aims of any banned organization. This was the law used to ban the ANC, PAC, BCM and 37 other organizations. This made it impossible for newspapers to report authentically to report on African politics for over 20 years.
Slowly the net tightened. Defense matters were placed out of bounds, except when publications were authorized by the Defense authorities themselves. The Official Secrets Act was tightened under the title of "The Protection of Information Act"(The ANC is using the same terms and ACt to create a media tribunal).
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
FIFA 2010 Soccer Period
I had thought that this subject could be ignored here, so I kept quiet about it all along. Then came the thought that my experience over little at this time could be worth documenting. What do I write about? I thought. Then Just to let the world know that it was a memorable time for me and my family. A time we had more fun than ever before. It would be surpring to know that most of the fun we had was driven by our five year old boy. He made my drive around the city in the car while him, his three years old sister and his two cusins blew the vuvuzela. He made me hoot each time we saw a fellow car with the Cameroonian flag. He convinced us to go to the studium, He seduced us to meet the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon and even take pictures with them. He made us to go the fern parks and he thought us how to blow the vuvuzela. Now the cup is gone. What next? It seems like life started all over again.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
My Hero Appeared on 7th April 2010
This incident will shape my life for ever.
I write this note to you in TEARS OF JOY. I write this note because I just want to Shout out to South Africa, to Africa and to the World at large.
There is love and care in South Africa and there are still some very good people among us.
This is my story.
Just after 7:30am on the 7th of April, I left my house for school. Traffic was a little slow on the M1 South of Johannesburg and I noticed a taxi driver trying to reach out to me. At first I thought of ignoring him but his persistence drew my attention. He took an off ramp and so I decided to stop.
To my surprise I had a flat tyre. I picked up my phone to call my husband trying at the same time to think of the closest filling station.
Before I knew it, a white BMW had its traffic lights on, packed a few metres in front of me and a gentle man walked closer.
Bear with me for my details but as a black foreign woman living in South Africa, it occurred to me like a dream to know that this man is approaching me to take the load off.
Mr. Christ Newland (a white man in either his late 30s or early 40s) offered to help, diligently rolled up his sleeves and went to work. In fifteen minutes, this neatly dressed gentleman had finished the work and my car was drivable again.
What do you do to appreciate such effort? I thought. I thanked him, took his details and we parted ways.
I then decided that as someone with a communications background, I will shout out this gesture for the world to know that there are still some good people in our midst.
There are some people who will risk their lives on the highway, go down on their knees, roll up their sleeves and be late for work just to help a person they might never meet again.
Victorine Ntambo,
I write this note to you in TEARS OF JOY. I write this note because I just want to Shout out to South Africa, to Africa and to the World at large.
There is love and care in South Africa and there are still some very good people among us.
This is my story.
Just after 7:30am on the 7th of April, I left my house for school. Traffic was a little slow on the M1 South of Johannesburg and I noticed a taxi driver trying to reach out to me. At first I thought of ignoring him but his persistence drew my attention. He took an off ramp and so I decided to stop.
To my surprise I had a flat tyre. I picked up my phone to call my husband trying at the same time to think of the closest filling station.
Before I knew it, a white BMW had its traffic lights on, packed a few metres in front of me and a gentle man walked closer.
Bear with me for my details but as a black foreign woman living in South Africa, it occurred to me like a dream to know that this man is approaching me to take the load off.
Mr. Christ Newland (a white man in either his late 30s or early 40s) offered to help, diligently rolled up his sleeves and went to work. In fifteen minutes, this neatly dressed gentleman had finished the work and my car was drivable again.
What do you do to appreciate such effort? I thought. I thanked him, took his details and we parted ways.
I then decided that as someone with a communications background, I will shout out this gesture for the world to know that there are still some good people in our midst.
There are some people who will risk their lives on the highway, go down on their knees, roll up their sleeves and be late for work just to help a person they might never meet again.
Victorine Ntambo,
My Hero On April 7th 2010
A day and incident I shall live not to forget. I write this note to you in TEARS OF JOY. I write this note because I just want to Shout out to South Africa, to Africa and to the World at large.
There is love and care in South Africa and there are still some very good people among us.
This is my story.
Just after 7:30am on the 7th of April, I left my house for school. Traffic was a little slow on the M1 South of Johannesburg and I noticed a taxi driver trying to reach out to me. At first I thought of ignoring him but his persistence drew my attention. He took an off ramp and so I decided to stop.
To my surprise I had a flat tyre. I picked up my phone to call my husband trying at the same time to think of the closest filling station.
Before I knew it, a white BMW had its traffic lights on, packed a few metres in front of me and a gentle man walked closer.
Bear with me for my details but as a black foreign woman living in South Africa, it occurred to me like a dream to know that this man is approaching me to take the load off.
Mr. Christ Newland (a white man in either his late 30s or early 40s) offered to help, diligently rolled up his sleeves and went to work. In fifteen minutes, this neatly dressed gentleman had finished the work and my car was drivable again.
What do you do to appreciate such effort? I thought. I thanked him, took his details and we parted ways.
I then decided that as someone with a communications background, I will shout out this gesture for the world to know that there are still some good people in our midst.
There are some people who will risk their lives on the highway, go down on their knees, roll up their sleeves and be late for work just to help a person they might never meet again.
There is love and care in South Africa and there are still some very good people among us.
This is my story.
Just after 7:30am on the 7th of April, I left my house for school. Traffic was a little slow on the M1 South of Johannesburg and I noticed a taxi driver trying to reach out to me. At first I thought of ignoring him but his persistence drew my attention. He took an off ramp and so I decided to stop.
To my surprise I had a flat tyre. I picked up my phone to call my husband trying at the same time to think of the closest filling station.
Before I knew it, a white BMW had its traffic lights on, packed a few metres in front of me and a gentle man walked closer.
Bear with me for my details but as a black foreign woman living in South Africa, it occurred to me like a dream to know that this man is approaching me to take the load off.
Mr. Christ Newland (a white man in either his late 30s or early 40s) offered to help, diligently rolled up his sleeves and went to work. In fifteen minutes, this neatly dressed gentleman had finished the work and my car was drivable again.
What do you do to appreciate such effort? I thought. I thanked him, took his details and we parted ways.
I then decided that as someone with a communications background, I will shout out this gesture for the world to know that there are still some good people in our midst.
There are some people who will risk their lives on the highway, go down on their knees, roll up their sleeves and be late for work just to help a person they might never meet again.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Did you know? AMBAZONIA
It all began with the name Ambazonia or Ambazania which refers to two separate entities. One pertains to a pressure group struggling for the total restoration of the statehood of the territory formerly known as the British Southern Cameroons.
Ambazonia or Ambazania is also the name given to the Southern Cameroons by organisations that struggle for the dissolution of the 1961 union of the Southern Cameroons with Cameroun.
The name used was first used in 1984 by the Ambazonia Rstoration Council (ARC) to inject a sense of distinctive sovereign identity, and since then by the other emancipationist entities and organisations advocating the "restoration" of independence for this territory.
The Republic of Ambazonia was declared by the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) as an independent state on 31 December 1999. This declaration has not been recognised by other countries or by the United Nations (UN). The area remains under the control of the Republic of Cameroon. Southern Cameroonians in exile formed the Ambazonia Liberation Party (ALIP) in July 2004.
In 2005 the Southern Cameroons/Republic of Ambazonia became a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO). On 31 August 2006 the independence of the Republic of Ambazania, to include the disputed territory of Bakassi was formally proclaimed by the Southern Cameroons Peoples Organisation (SCAPO).
It has a land size of 43,000 square kilometers and a population of approximately 6 million people according to the Cameroon state census (the census has long been subject to political manipulation; the number is likely closer to 8 million. It is thus slightly larger than the Netherlands, ranked the 131st largest country and has about as many inhabitants as Paraguay, the world's 93rd largest country in terms of population. (In other terms, Ambazonia is more populous than at least 60 UN and 18 African Union (AU) Member States, and is larger in area than at least 30 UN and 12 AU Member States.) If independent, Ambazonia would share maritime boundaries with Nigeria, the Republic of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
As noted, the name Ambazonia was first used in 1984 by Fon Gorji-Dinka (leader of the Ambazonia pressure group), when the parliament and government of the Republic of Cameroon changed the name of the country from the "United Republic of Cameroon" to back to the pre-reunification name of the French Cameroun, the "Republic of Cameroun". In the view of some, particularly in the English Cameroon, this meant a dissolution of the 1961 union. It was in this light that beginning in 1984, Ambazonia, was declared to represent a timely intervention of the people of Southern Cameroons to return the statehood of the former British Southern Cameroons territory. Ambazonia saw this not as the fait accompli of a one Cameroon state, but as an opportunity to engage both states into a 'constitutional review' of their post-1984 relations. Ambazonia believed that by "operation of the law", there should be an equal participation by the two states that made up the now extinct federation, in a new vision for their countries (Republic of Cameroon and the Southern Cameroons) relation with each other. In the document, dubbed the "new Social Order", the Ambazonia's proposal of CACIN, {the Cameroon- Ambazonia Confederacy of Independent Nations} was summarily rejected by the Republic of Cameroon. Instead, the Leader of ARC (the Ambazonia Restoration Council), Fon Gorji-Dinka, was arrested and tried for treason for claiming the continuing existence of the sovereignty of the 'Southern Cameroons' in the Republic of Ambazonia.
It is reported that in 1992, Fon Gorji-Dinka, on behalf of the state of Republic of Ambazonia filed suit against the Republic of Cameroon and President Paul Biya on the main charge of the Republic of Cameroon's illegal and forcible occupation since the 1984 dissolution of the United Republic of Cameroon and the declaration of the Republic of Ambazonia. This suit was registered with the Bamenda High Court in the North west region of Cameroon as case number HCB28/92. Conflicting reports exist relating to the outcome of this case. However, the plaintiff, Fon Gorji-Dinka maintains that the Bamenda High Court reached a decision according to which the court among other things held that "(b) President Biya is [also] guilty of treason for furthering and completing the treason of Ahidjo by bringing about the secession of the first defendant (East Cameroon) from the United Republic of Cameroon on February 4, 1984, restituting its name "The Republic of Cameroon" which had been extinct since January 10, 1961. (c) That the break-away Republic of Cameroon continues, illegaly and forcibly occupy the territory of the first plaintiff, which means the first defendant is guilty of an international offence of agression and annexation, (d) The report made the Restoration of the statehood of the first plaintiff the starting point of restoration of legality". Followers of the Ambazonia pressure group led by Fon Gorji-Dinka assert that this decision was published in a Cameroon newspaper,'Le Messager': Vol. II No. 04 of February 10, 1993. Other accounts hold that the case was never heard hence a decision was never reached.
In a 2005 judgment of the United Nations Human Rights ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and political Rights) Tribunal Communication 1134/2002, the United Nations Human Rights Tribunal ruled in favor of compensation for Fon Gorji-Dinka for human rights abuses to his person and for assurances of the enjoyment of his civil and political rights.
1. ↑ Ambazonia Political Party Formed. The Post Online
2. ↑ The Proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Ambazania
3. ↑ See "Peace and conflict Monitor" A Tale of Nationalism and Dissidence, by Marcel Fomotar of the UN University of Peace.
Ambazonia or Ambazania is also the name given to the Southern Cameroons by organisations that struggle for the dissolution of the 1961 union of the Southern Cameroons with Cameroun.
The name used was first used in 1984 by the Ambazonia Rstoration Council (ARC) to inject a sense of distinctive sovereign identity, and since then by the other emancipationist entities and organisations advocating the "restoration" of independence for this territory.
The Republic of Ambazonia was declared by the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) as an independent state on 31 December 1999. This declaration has not been recognised by other countries or by the United Nations (UN). The area remains under the control of the Republic of Cameroon. Southern Cameroonians in exile formed the Ambazonia Liberation Party (ALIP) in July 2004.
In 2005 the Southern Cameroons/Republic of Ambazonia became a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO). On 31 August 2006 the independence of the Republic of Ambazania, to include the disputed territory of Bakassi was formally proclaimed by the Southern Cameroons Peoples Organisation (SCAPO).
It has a land size of 43,000 square kilometers and a population of approximately 6 million people according to the Cameroon state census (the census has long been subject to political manipulation; the number is likely closer to 8 million. It is thus slightly larger than the Netherlands, ranked the 131st largest country and has about as many inhabitants as Paraguay, the world's 93rd largest country in terms of population. (In other terms, Ambazonia is more populous than at least 60 UN and 18 African Union (AU) Member States, and is larger in area than at least 30 UN and 12 AU Member States.) If independent, Ambazonia would share maritime boundaries with Nigeria, the Republic of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
As noted, the name Ambazonia was first used in 1984 by Fon Gorji-Dinka (leader of the Ambazonia pressure group), when the parliament and government of the Republic of Cameroon changed the name of the country from the "United Republic of Cameroon" to back to the pre-reunification name of the French Cameroun, the "Republic of Cameroun". In the view of some, particularly in the English Cameroon, this meant a dissolution of the 1961 union. It was in this light that beginning in 1984, Ambazonia, was declared to represent a timely intervention of the people of Southern Cameroons to return the statehood of the former British Southern Cameroons territory. Ambazonia saw this not as the fait accompli of a one Cameroon state, but as an opportunity to engage both states into a 'constitutional review' of their post-1984 relations. Ambazonia believed that by "operation of the law", there should be an equal participation by the two states that made up the now extinct federation, in a new vision for their countries (Republic of Cameroon and the Southern Cameroons) relation with each other. In the document, dubbed the "new Social Order", the Ambazonia's proposal of CACIN, {the Cameroon- Ambazonia Confederacy of Independent Nations} was summarily rejected by the Republic of Cameroon. Instead, the Leader of ARC (the Ambazonia Restoration Council), Fon Gorji-Dinka, was arrested and tried for treason for claiming the continuing existence of the sovereignty of the 'Southern Cameroons' in the Republic of Ambazonia.
It is reported that in 1992, Fon Gorji-Dinka, on behalf of the state of Republic of Ambazonia filed suit against the Republic of Cameroon and President Paul Biya on the main charge of the Republic of Cameroon's illegal and forcible occupation since the 1984 dissolution of the United Republic of Cameroon and the declaration of the Republic of Ambazonia. This suit was registered with the Bamenda High Court in the North west region of Cameroon as case number HCB28/92. Conflicting reports exist relating to the outcome of this case. However, the plaintiff, Fon Gorji-Dinka maintains that the Bamenda High Court reached a decision according to which the court among other things held that "(b) President Biya is [also] guilty of treason for furthering and completing the treason of Ahidjo by bringing about the secession of the first defendant (East Cameroon) from the United Republic of Cameroon on February 4, 1984, restituting its name "The Republic of Cameroon" which had been extinct since January 10, 1961. (c) That the break-away Republic of Cameroon continues, illegaly and forcibly occupy the territory of the first plaintiff, which means the first defendant is guilty of an international offence of agression and annexation, (d) The report made the Restoration of the statehood of the first plaintiff the starting point of restoration of legality". Followers of the Ambazonia pressure group led by Fon Gorji-Dinka assert that this decision was published in a Cameroon newspaper,'Le Messager': Vol. II No. 04 of February 10, 1993. Other accounts hold that the case was never heard hence a decision was never reached.
In a 2005 judgment of the United Nations Human Rights ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and political Rights) Tribunal Communication 1134/2002, the United Nations Human Rights Tribunal ruled in favor of compensation for Fon Gorji-Dinka for human rights abuses to his person and for assurances of the enjoyment of his civil and political rights.
1. ↑ Ambazonia Political Party Formed. The Post Online
2. ↑ The Proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Ambazania
3. ↑ See "Peace and conflict Monitor" A Tale of Nationalism and Dissidence, by Marcel Fomotar of the UN University of Peace.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My First Blog Message
Inspired by a discussion yesterday, I decided to create a blog for myself and I. I sure will up-date all my readers on yesterday, today and tomorrow's issue. Do not get bored. My topics will be very diverse ranging from mostly parenting but also personal, work, education, ... and even gossip.
This will be a warm spot for you and for me.
Keep following me and thank you.
This will be a warm spot for you and for me.
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