Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Hero On April 7th 2010

A day and incident I shall live not to forget. I write this note to you in TEARS OF JOY. I write this note because I just want to Shout out to South Africa, to Africa and to the World at large.
There is love and care in South Africa and there are still some very good people among us.
This is my story.
Just after 7:30am on the 7th of April, I left my house for school. Traffic was a little slow on the M1 South of Johannesburg and I noticed a taxi driver trying to reach out to me. At first I thought of ignoring him but his persistence drew my attention. He took an off ramp and so I decided to stop.
To my surprise I had a flat tyre. I picked up my phone to call my husband trying at the same time to think of the closest filling station.
Before I knew it, a white BMW had its traffic lights on, packed a few metres in front of me and a gentle man walked closer.
Bear with me for my details but as a black foreign woman living in South Africa, it occurred to me like a dream to know that this man is approaching me to take the load off.
Mr. Christ Newland (a white man in either his late 30s or early 40s) offered to help, diligently rolled up his sleeves and went to work. In fifteen minutes, this neatly dressed gentleman had finished the work and my car was drivable again.
What do you do to appreciate such effort? I thought. I thanked him, took his details and we parted ways.
I then decided that as someone with a communications background, I will shout out this gesture for the world to know that there are still some good people in our midst.
There are some people who will risk their lives on the highway, go down on their knees, roll up their sleeves and be late for work just to help a person they might never meet again.

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