Tuesday, August 30, 2016

BOOK Launch Highlights worth sharing

What a BOOK Launch it was?

‘Stop Complaining! and Bring Back Involved Parenting’
181 Corlett Drive Johannesburg
3rd March 2016 at 5pm.

The next book launch was on Saturday the 4th June 2016. It was hosted at the Profound Conference Centre in Bramley; North East of Johannesburg. It was a joint launch of ‘Smelly Cats’ by 9 year old Stacey Fru and Stop Complaining! and Bring Back Involved Parenting’ by me. Note that this book launch will be coordinated in a workshop style because mother and daughter would like to share their inspirations and strategies on how they both started and continue writing.

3rd of March 2016 is long past but the memories are still fresh. Still fresh because the chairlady of the day Ms. Tereska Muishond threw the guest in with a poem titled ‘The story.’ This and other heart-warming words and gestures turned the day into a poetic evening.
Poem just flowing
Then our wonderful SPEAKER; Dr. Daantjie Japhta who flew in from Port Elizabeth paid tribute to parents when he spoke on ‘Parenting and Spirituality.’ He also dedicated a poem to the my family directing attributes to one family member after the other, starting with the my brother and sponsor.

The prolific speaker
Our mother of Jazz Judith Sephuma intrigued guests with her realities as a ‘full time working mother and involved parent’. Guest were caught glued as the vibrant Judith made sense of the book by relating how she has empowered her children one after the other and still continues to do so.

This time, she is talking, not singing
The GUEST SPEAKER of this evening had just turned 9. Ms. Stacey Fru, my second child reminded parents of their roles as she imagined what I must have gone through in writing, parenting, studying and working mother and wife. Her inspiring talk in her capacity as author, motivational speaker and Growing Child truly captivated the audience.
Speaking about her mother
It was a wonderful evening. My spouse and partner in parenting, working and living took the podium. Dr. Emmanuel Fru gave an engaging talk on being an ‘Involved Father’. He also gave the audience a snippet of my writing life by telling them the kind of instances that I typically write for.

Husband to wife. Experience talking
When parents are involved parents teach children a lot of what they become. Anna Wallis is passionate about educating children, and her talk on ‘Educating Children’ played out her passion. Using facts from the book, she warned that adults make a greater part of what children become. 
Passion flows
Then it was time for author, mother, radio personality and an astute parenting role-model Nikki Bush to amaze the audience. Nikki based her talk on her writings and the synergy her works creates with Involved Parenting as portrayed in my books and works.
Parenting voice
Author and woman of the day was no one but me. I am a married full time working mother of 4 children; ages 10, 9, 6 and 4. I proudly presented on the book titled ‘Stop Complaining! and Bring Back Involved Parenting’. I told the curious audience what it took me to write and thanked those who stood by me. I called on parents to be involved in parenting and took some questions also. 

I remain grateful
The Book Summary
Parents have traditionally depended on life to raise children for them. But relentlessly, they have worked hard to make sure that their children turn out to be what they desire. The pressures of life have not given parents, caregivers and guardians a break though. What have they done? 

Get your own copy
This book highlights the changing roles of parents, gender diversity, the emergence of new types of parents and family patterns, mobility, the ever-growing love for materialism and many more as makers or breaker to parenting efforts. As children grow, adults complain that they don’t listen, they are lazy, too fat, too rude, don’t greet, don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t pray, don’t cover nakedness, have sex too early, get exposed to alcohol and drugs, use weapons, don’t cherish marriage, have children too late or too early, have no work ethics, are too materialistic, spend and not save, very ungrateful, not responsible, don’t love and care, keep bad companions, are impatient, don’t parent, etc. Do adults really look at causes? Jails are full and churches are empty. This book subtly reminds adults, institutions, policy-makers and governments to accept that they have parented differently and to relook at how ideal children were raised. The interactions lead to a second book which calls on the re-establishment of cultural rules and principles that traditionally governed children’s upbringing. It has to be done one person, one family, one organisation, one government and one book at a time. Let’s start engaging in discussions that encourage us to stop complaining and start investing in parenting with joy. Happy reading! 

Victorine Mbong Shu

Author and Involved Parenting Conversationalist

 Availability of book

Copies can be bought from the following avenues;
 Victorine on +27 82 548 6385
My works on www.mbongshu.co.za 
Publisher on +27 11 346 8300/www.profounder.co.za 
Xarra Books: www.Xarrabooks.co.za
     Online in South Africa: www.sabooksearch.co.za 
     Hard Copies: +27 11 440 7501- Johannesburg or www.profoundcentre.co.za 
Amazon books on www.amazon.com (search by book title) or eBook on www.kindle.com  

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