The story goes that I was tired of waiting and expecting to wake up to labour every night. On Sunday the 4th of Dec, I decided to pass by the chemist and get some castor oil. Yes i did get it but contemplated for a long time on whether or not to take it. Finally at 09:10 pm, I took two tablespoons full at a gulp. At this point, My intention is to take two more spoons should I not be in labour by the next day.
I waited until just after 11 pm and with no sign of labour, I decided to go to bed. To my surprise, I woke up to pains at 11:30 pm. I went to pee and then back to bed. At about 11:45, I woke up to yet another pain, this time it felt like cramps but I was not too sure.
I went back to bed and up again at midnight. At each of these periods, i went to pee; not just because i wanted to but also because i was checking for signs of spotting.
At this point (at about 12:20), I could not sleep anymore. Yet I was not sure on whether or not I was in labour. The pain however has changed into very painful and intense contractions. At 01:05, I went and got some juice in case of vomiting or soft stool. It was a difficult walk in and out of rooms.
At about 01:55 I woke up to the urge to poop. Yes i did poop generously and now the discomfort was unbearable. Unable to go back to sleep, I decided to start documenting the events and so took my baby little diary to the dining room in fear of disturbing my husband. I wrote down everything that was there to write and so became bored. I tried to go back to bed but ... I made. I went back to bed at 2 am but had to wake up like every 15 minutes to either pee or poop with very little coming out.
My husband realised i was in labour just before 02:30 am I vomited 3 times between 2:40 am and 4:00 am.
We left home at 04:14, and got to the clinic at 04: 40. At this point I was checked at 7 cm. The Midwife arrived at 04:55 and joined the nurse in preparing water for the birth. With no time to check the baby's heart beat, I was put in the bath.
My water broke at the first push and the baby was fully out at 05:03 on the 5th of Dec after 3 pushes. He weighed 3.820 kg, was 53 cm and head was 37 cm.
We Thank God for baby Sydney.
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