Going to school for the first time or starting a new class/grade has never been a glorious trip for both parents and pupils, even students. It was a sight to hold on to at Sacred Heart College Johannesburg yesterday when I dropped off my three children. The Sacred Heart College has just recorded a 1000% metric result with all students who passed being eligible for University entry and with one of the highest Mathematics percentage in pass rate.
In my house, it started with waking up at 6am after a long and lazy holiday period. My five year old boy was excited to be going to prparatory but for the first time it seems; he remembered that he has to make new friends in the new class.
For my 3 years old girl, it was more excited because two days before, she got a phone call from her boyfriend Elia 4 and the day before, she had gone to get her hair done. "Mumy" she said; "I cannot wait to see Elia and to show him my hair". "Also Mary-Jane and Tsekofatso".
To my litle 1 year old girl, the story was little to tell but much more anticipated. She is starting her first day in creche.
It was one of those rare days in my life. There were no cries in the house but lots of excitement and anticipation. Less rush from my side and suprisingly the kids all knew what is expected of them.
We left home at about 7:30an. At the back seat of my car, the two rehearsed what to tell their friends about the holiday. Only then did it strke me that it had been a very busy and expensive break. I thought of how much energy parents save when they have their kids in school.
In School, it was not easy to get a parking. But we got one anyway. As we walked our way through the corridors and passages were extremely busy and noisy. Children were busy hugging each other, just like the parents were. Safe right now to say from what I observed that the parents were more emmotional than the pupils themselves. In classrooms, they could not let go. Some successfully hide their tears while most of them just let it flow with their emotions. Kids cried and could not stop crying.
What a day.
To me, it was a proud day. My separation with all my kids was smooth. I am Blessed, I thought. At the same time, it is evident that each one of my children felt more secured by the presence of the other.
Wednesday the 12th of January 2011 was one of my longest days. While in the office I waited and waited for my phone to ring. By 1pm, there was no call from the school. So I decided to call and find out how my little girl is doing. "She is settling in very well" said the Adminitrator. "She cried for about 10mins just after you left but got back to play with the others". It is possible that the office phone did not stop ringing on that morning.
Whatever the situation was, we enjoyed our first day in school that ended just before 4pm.
Well done South African children and have a happy and knowledge filled 2011. We are Blessed.
VM Ntambo.
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